Things to Do
The local golf course is situated in Kames. The course has nine holes set in outstanding natural beauty on the hill above Kames overlooking the Kyles of Bute. An enjoyable course if you can keep your eye on the ball and not on the view!
For further information, visit www.kylesofbutegolfclub.co.uk
There are many other courses not too far away. These include:
Tarbert Golf Club has nine holes set in picturesque moorland with well maintained undulating fairways with views of West Loch Tarbert.
Visit www.tarbertgolfclub.org.uk. Tel No 01546 606896
Carradale Golf Course lies on the east coast of Kintyre. It's a gem of a course with 9 holes and the views of the western profile of Arran unfold as soon as you step on the first tee.
Visit www.carradalegolfclub.co.uk. Tel No 01583 431321
Machrihanish Golf course has 18 holes and is a true golfing treasure. Located just outside Campbeltown. Visit www.machgolf.com Tel No 01586 810213
Lochgilphead golf course has 9 holes. It offers a variety of challenges putting the best of players to the test.
Visit www.lochgilphead-golf.com.
Tel No 01546 602340
These courses require taking the Calmac ferry from nearby Portavadie to Tarbert.
For timetables and information visit: www.calmac.co.uk
Other more local courses include:
Inveraray Golf Club is a 9 hole course set on the shores of Loch Fyne with splendid views of the course and surrounding area.
Tel No 01499 302511
Cowal Golf Club is situated in the town of Dunoon. It has 18 holes also boasts magnificent views down the Firth of Clyde to the Isle of Bute and Arran and in the distance the island of Ailsa Craig off the Ayrshire coast.
Visit www.cowalgolfclub.com. Tel no 01369 705673
There are three golf courses on the Isle of Bute:
Rothesay Golf Club, 18 holes
www.rothesaygolfclub.co.uk. Tel No 01700 503554
Bute Golf Club, 9 holes
www.butegolfclub.com. Tel No 01700 503091
Port Bannatyne Golf Club, 13 holes
www.portbannatynegolf.co.uk. Tel No 01700 504544
For information on the ferry from Colintraive to Rhubodach, Isle of Bute visit www.calmac.co.uk
EXPLORE Argyll & The Isles.
Every journey to and throughout Argyll is a delight and will differ by the seasons. The Cowal peninsula is a land of rich Highland diversity with mountains and lochs and numerous charming villages along the way. Further information can be found in each of our houses or visiting www.exploreargyll.co.uk
One of the great ways of enjoying the scenery is by foot and there are many walks in this area to enjoy.
The first leg of the Cowal Way walk starts from Portavadie to Tighnabruaich or continue on the next leg to the nearby village of Glendaruel.
For further details on this walk, visit www.cowalway.org.uk or visit the local website, www.argyllsecretcoast.co.uk
The Glenan circular walk is another walk close by for the whole family. Starting at Portavadie through the woods, following the path up through the woodland to the ruins of an old village before returning via the shore path.
Further information on this route and other local walks can be found at www.walkhighlands.co.uk/argyll
There are many quiet single track roads and forestry tracks that are suitable for cycling. One of the most popular routes is round Ardlamont Point. It is 10 miles in total with stunning scenery around every corner and plenty tearoom and coffee stops along the way!. Perfect for families of all ages.
For mountain biking routes visit www.forestry.gov.uk/cycling. Bikes can be hired from Portavadie Marina. For further information on outdoor activities, please visit www.argyllsecretcoast.co.uk
Guests staying at Acharossan and Inveryne can enjoy playing in their own tennis courts. There is a tennis court next to the playing field between Kames and Tighnabruaich. There is a small fee which can be paid for and key for court collected at Duncan's Village store in Kames. The tennis court may also be booked in advance.
Duncan's Village Store in Kames. Tel No 01700 811 356
This can be arranged with Ardlamont Estate. Please call 01700 811 596 for details.
Tighnabruaich Sailing School offers courses for adults and children from beginners to improvers within the sheltered waters of the Kyles of Bute.
Visit www.tssargyll.co.uk | Tel No 01700 811717
Enjoy a trip on this refurbished fishing boat while soaking up the scenery and looking out for seals, porpoises and the many seabirds or try fishing for mackerel.The boat will take up to ten passengers and fishing gear can be provided.
For further information visit www.dcmarineboattrips.co.uk or our local website www.argyllsecretcoast.co.uk
Take a trip on the oldest sea going paddle steamer in the world, The Waverley. It stops in Tighnabruaich twice weekly during the Summer season, with trips to Tarbert, Loch Fyne and Lochranza.
Visit www.waverleyexcursions.co.uk for more details.
Excellent rock fishing can be had around Tighabruaich and the Kyles of Bute. There are two lochs close by. Permits may be bought from Kames Post Office. Guests staying at Acharossan House can fish for brown trout in the river that meanders its way through the fields in front of the house. There is a small selection of fishing rods and accessories available in the house.
Winston Churchill who runs a business in Dunoon providing venison from the wild as well as other speciality food products, also provides stalking services for stag, hind and roe deer in season.
Visit www.winstonchurchillvenison.com
Tighnabruaich is home to the Kyles Athletic shinty teams from primary school age through to the senior premier league team. Throughout the shinty season, between March and September, you can join the local crowds and watch two teams battling it out in the shinty field. Nail biting entertainment from one of the hardiest sports in Scotland. The shinty field is located next to the main road between the villages of
Kames and Tighnabruaich. Games are played on Saturday afternoons, times can vary.
For further information on the game and season fixtures, visit www.kylesathletic.co.uk
For further information on outdoor activities, visit www.visitcowal.co.uk
There is miles and miles of coastline to explore from each property. You will find maps of the local area in each of our properties to use during your stay.
Inveryne Beach
This path is best accessed via Inveryne Cottage. From here you can park your car by the tennis court near to Inveryne Cottage and follow the path through fields leading down to the shore.
Kilfinan Bay
Kilfinan Bay can also be reached via farmland closer to the village of Kilfinan.
Kilbride Bay or Ostel Bay
Kilbride Bay or Ostel Bay as it's known locally with its crescent-shaped sweep of sand is truly one of the best beaches in Argyll. Backed by sand dunes with the added bonus of stunning views across Loch Fyne to the hills of Arran, on a sunny day it's a ideal for sun-bathing, paddling and swimming. It is not a difficult walk so it is ideal for families. Don't forget your bucket and spade!
Ettrick Bay
Further away but very similar to Ostel Bay is Ettrick Bay on the Isle of Bute. Definitely worth a visit when touring the island.